Browser Wishlist 2013
This is a cross-post from last month’s Performance Calendar (hence the reference to “holiday” spirit).
In case any browser teams are awash in the spirit of holiday gift-giving, here’s my wishlist for performance features I’d love to see. I did a similar Browser Performance Wishlist in 2010. I hope this list will initiate numerous discussions that result in a faster browsing experience for everyone.
- async 3rd party content (especially ads)
The amount of 3rd party content on websites continues to grow.* Websites need a way to load this content without having it delay the 1st party content on the page. Iframes are a possible solution, but there are various issues including fixed sizing. Many 3rd party content providers provide async snippets, but this is the exception rather than the rule.
Perhaps the most popular 3rd party content on the Web is ads, where asynchronous snippets are almost unheard of. Asynchronous loading is more complex for ads because they often use document.write. We need a way to load 3rd party content, including ads, asynchronously even when there’s a possibility of document.write being used. HTML imports are a possible solution depending on the final implementation and the need for workarounds.
* This is based on data such as the 50% increase in the number of domains per page and the increase in estimated amount of third party content from 32% to 38% over the previous two years. It would be great if someone used the HTTP Archive data to more precisely quantify this. The hard part is defining “3rd party content” in SQL.
- async document.write
Another approach to enable loading scripts asynchronously would be if browsers supported an async version of document.write. Currently, if document.write occurs in an asynchronous script the best case is the document.write is ignored. The worst case is the entire page is erased and replaced with just the output from document.write. (See this test page.)
It would be better if browsers instead inserted the output from document.write right below the associated SCRIPT tag. The implementation is much more complex that I make it sound. In fact, Opera used to have a Delayed Script Execution option that was able to do this but it’s no longer available.
- Preferred Caching
There’s a long tail to Internet browsing, but users also have favorite websites that they visit every day. To increase the probability of those sites loading faster, browsers should more aggressively cache the resources associated with these favorite websites. Websites could be deemed “favorite” manually by the user as well as automatically based on browsing history. (See related blog post.)
- Prefresh
“Prefresh” is a concept Tony Gentilcore and I came up with to make websites load faster by proactively downloading and updating critical resources before they’re needed. The determination of what to prefresh is based on prior activity. This is currently an experimental feature in Chrome. (See related blog post.) I’d like to see the code finished in Chrome and, based on results, adopted by other browsers.
- responsive images (Client Hints)
Responsive images is a complex issue with multiple candidate solutions. (See Bruce Lawson’s Responsive images – end of year report.) All of the proposals have pros and cons. The issue has been discussed for more than a year. It’s important for browsers to pick the preferred solution. I wish Client Hints was supported. It doesn’t solve all the problems, but I think it’s a lightweight solution that works in most cases, especially since CDNs can automate the process for website owners.
- more RUM (rendering, fps, GC, etc.)
The W3C Web Performance Working Group has made incredible progress with the Navigation Timing, Resource Timing, and User Timing specifications. (Except on Safari as mentioned earlier.) These APIs allow us to measure performance where it matters the most: on real users. But the performance we’re able to measure is more about the mechanics of the page and less about the user experience and what’s going on behind the scenes.
I’d like JavaScript access to information about rendering, garbage collection, frames per second, memory use, and JavaScript execution. Much of this is available today in browser dev tools. The big work seems to be defining what to measure in a way that can be standardized across browsers while not slowing down the user experience, making that accessible via JavaScript, and adding it to preferred RUM solutions and dashboards.
- smarter font loading
The number of Top 1000 websites that use custom fonts has increased from 13% to 35% in the last year (according to the HTTP Archive). The use of custom fonts is increasing rapidly. Unfortunately, custom fonts can make websites render more slowly and have Flash of Unstyled Content (FOUC) issues. These issues would be mitigated if browsers loaded fonts with some special handling:
- Browser preloaders (AKA speculative parsers and lookahead parsers) should start downloading fonts sooner. The Font Priority test page shows this does not happen today. The test page has a @font-face rule that is defined in a STYLE block in the HEAD. That font is used by the H3 element at the top of the page, which is followed by 18 images. The font and images are all on the same domain. It’s more important to download the font than the images, but all the major browsers download 6-8 images before downloading the font. That’s because the preloader sees the IMG tags and starts downloading those images first. Eventually it parses the H3 element and determines the font is needed and queues it up for the second round of downloads. It would be better if the preloader was extended to scan ahead for the definition of as well as the use of @font-face styles.
- Browsers should avoid Flash of Unstyled Text and blank elements by waiting a very short amount of time (300-500 ms) for the custom font to download. If the custom font hasn’t arrived by that time then the element should be rendered in a default font and should not be repainted if/when the custom font finally downloads. The selection of a time value is a hard decision; I lean toward a short timeout. Current behavior varies widely across major browsers. The @font-face FOUT test page shows that Chrome, Opera, and Safari leave the element blank until the font is fully downloaded. Firefox leaves it blank for ~3 seconds (too late) at which point it draws the element in a default font, and then redraws it when the custom font arrives (FOUT). IE10 draws the text immediately using a default font (too early) and then redraws it later (FOUT). Checkout Typekit’s asynchronous embed code and WebFont Loader to see how to achieve your desired behavior today. (Hint: inline your font as a data: URI inside a stylesheet.)
- Developers should be able to specify how font loading and rendering behaves. It’s going to be hard to pick a default behavior and timeout value that pleases everyone. The question are:
- Should the element be blank until the font file arrives, or should it be rendered with a default font?
- If it’s rendered with a default font, when should that happen (immediately or after a delay)?
- If it’s rendered with a default font after a delay, should it be repainted when the custom font arrives?
The Resource Priorities spec helps by defining the “resource-priorities” CSS property which can take values of “lazyload” and “postpone”, but the rendering behavior in the presence of this property isn’t specified. I propose that if “lazyload” or “postpone” is used with @font-face, then the browser should immediately render the element with a default font and it should be repainted when the font file arrives. If neither “lazyload” nor “postpone” is specified, then the element should be blank until the font file arrives or the request times out. (Note that CSS Font Load Events provides a way to do much of this programmatically.)
- Font files should be given a high priority in the browser cache. I.e., images and video should be purged from the cache before custom font files. It’s possible this is already the case – I don’t have an easy way to test this.
- Browsers should re-use expired fonts with a stale-while-revalidate policy by default. If a font file is in the cache but is expired, browsers should reuse it immediately while doing the conditional GET request in the background. This is similar to the behavior proposed for the stale-while-revalidate Cache-Control extension.
- anchor PING support
The HTML5 PING attribute for anchors is great for performance. Google Search on mobile got users to their favorite search result website 200-400 ms faster by switching from redirects to A PING. Right now A PING is only supported in Chrome and Safari. We need broader browser support.
- DEFER for inline scripts
Downloading external scripts so they don’t block the HTML parser is good. The main ways to do that today are the ASYNC and DEFER attributes. Many sites have multiple scripts with a dependency order. These sites can’t use ASYNC since that executes scripts in a non-deterministic order. Therefore, DEFER is the method of choice for interdependent external scripts. But these sites also typically have inline scripts that rely on the symbols from those external scripts. Currently, there’s no way in markup to declare that dependency.
Adding support for DEFER for inline scripts would solve this problem, but it’s currently only supported for external scripts. If it was supported for inline scripts, developers could ensure proper execution order by adding DEFER to all the relevant inline and external SCRIPT tags.
Personally, I’d prefer to see support for John Resig’s Degrading Script Tags pattern – it puts the dependent inline code within the external script’s SCRIPT block, like so:
<script src="main.js"> functionDefinedInMainJs(); </script>
The beauty of this technique is
isn’t called ifmain.js
fails to load. This avoids undefined symbol errors in these failure scenarios. - lookahead for @import
Browsers use a preloader (AKA lookahead parser or speculative parser) to accelerate resource downloads while the main parser is blocked downloading scripts. The preloader does pretty well with typical resource downloads: SCRIPT, LINK, IMG, and IFRAME. But the preloader logic should be improved to accelerate the downloading of stylesheets specified with @import.
The @import Priority test page shows that the preloader in Firefox and IE 9, 10 & 11 doesn’t recognize “@import” and instead loads a bunch of images ahead of the stylesheet (even though the stylesheet is in the HEAD and the images are later in the BODY).
Another optimization for @import would be if browsers speculatively parsed the first few lines of a “main” stylesheet to see if it references any “sub” stylesheets using “@import”. If so, the browser should start downloading these “sub” stylesheets immediately without waiting for the entire “main” stylesheet to finish downloading. Fortunately, browsers only have to look at the first few lines because the CSS spec dictates that all @imports “must precede all other at-rules and style rules in a style sheet”. Unfortunately, the link with BIG @import test page shows that all major browsers wait until the entire stylesheet is downloaded before downloading an @import’ed stylesheet. Improving the browser preloader to scan stylesheets for “@import” would speedup page rendering, especially on mobile.
- UX for perception of speed
I wish browsers would invest more time in promoting a perception of speed into the browser UI. I’ve spoken about the perception of speed (video, slides). Some of the techniques are more relevant for web developers, but many ideas are targeted at browsers and thus would benefit every website. Examples include improving the browser busy indicators, clearing the page, and “natural” progress indicators.
- improved web components
I’m optimistic about the future of Web Components, but I made some suggestions in a recent series of blog posts: Async Ads with HTML Imports, Performance of Custom Elements, and HTML Imports: scope, security, and suggestions. As we specify and implement new web features it’d be good if we focused on performance to ensure a faster future on the Web.
Ian Withrow | 23-Jan-14 at 1:22 pm | Permalink |
Broader and consistent support for the resource timing API would be nice as part of #7