HTML Imports: scope, security, and suggestions
This is the third of three blog posts on Web Components, primarily focusing on the performance impact of HTML imports. Scope The first post, Async Ads with HTML Imports, proposes using this new technology as a way to avoid the blocking behavior of synchronous ads. It’s better than using iframes because the HTML import’s LINK tag can […]
Performance and Custom Elements
This past week I dug into the performance of custom elements and found some surprises. In my previous blog post, Async Ads with HTML Imports, I complained that HTML imports block the page from rendering when a SCRIPT tag is found and lamented the fact that the spec doesn’t provide a mechanism to make this coupling asynchronous. […]
Async Ads with HTML Imports
Scripts loaded in the typical way (<script src=”a.js”></script>) block rendering which is bad for performance. The solution to this problem is to load scripts asynchronously. This is the technique used by the best 3rd party snippets, for example, Google Analytics, Tweet button, Facebook SDK, and Google+ Follow button. Ads are probably the most prevalent 3rd party […]
HTTP Archive 3 Year Anniversary (Thank You Pat Meenan)
The earliest results available in the HTTP Archive are from Nov 15 2010, so in a sense this week is our three year anniversary. Three years! This was on my mind during breakfast as I thought back on how the HTTP Archive came about. The idea came to me in 2007. I spent years evangelizing the […]
A favorite character from the MASH TV series is Corporal Walter Eugene O’Reilly, fondly referred to as “Radar” for his knack of anticipating events before they happen. Radar was a rare example of efficiency because he was able to carry out Lt. Col. Blake’s wishes before Blake had even issued the orders. What if the browser […]
Domain Sharding revisited
With the adoption of SPDY and progress on HTTP 2.0, I hear some people referring to domain sharding as a performance anti-pattern. I disagree. Sharding resources across multiple domains is a major performance win for many websites. However, there is room for debate. Domain sharding isn’t appropriate for everyone. It may hurt performance if done […]
Web performance for the future
I started working on web performance around 2003. My first major discovery was the Performance Golden Rule: 80-90% of the end-user response time is spent on the frontend. Start there. Up until that point all of my web development experience had been on the backend – Apache, MySQL, Perl, Java, C & C++. When I […]
ActiveTable bookmarklet
I write a lot of code that generates HTML tables. If the code gets a lot of use, I’ll go back later and integrate my default JavaScript library to do table sorting. (My code is based on Standardista Table Sorting by Neil Crosby.) In addition to sorting, sometimes it’s nice to be able to hide […]
Twitter widget update
A few weeks ago I had Chrome Dev Tools open while loading my personal website and noticed the following console messages: I have a Twitter widget in my web page. I think this notice of deprecation is interesting. I use several 3rd party widgets and have never noticed a developer-targeted warning like this. Perhaps it’s […]
Browser Busy Indicators
I’m doing research on the perception of speed for my Ignite Velocity talk. The perception of website speed is obviously fueled by what the user sees in the browser. While the content of a website is controlled by the website owner, the browser also provides feedback to the user. This browser feedback affects user perception of […]
Creating a Performance Culture
[Originally posted in the 2012 Performance Calendar. Reposting here for folks who missed it.] The performance community is growing. With 17K members across 46 meetup groups it’s pretty easy to find someone else who cares about performance. But what if your company is new to the world of high performance websites? How can you make performance […]
Moving beyond window.onload()
[Originally posted in the 2012 Performance Calendar. Reposting here for folks who missed it.] There’s an elephant in the room that we’ve been ignoring for years: window.onload is not the best metric for measuring website speed We haven’t actually been “ignoring†this issue. We’ve acknowledged it, but we haven’t coordinated our efforts to come up […]
How fast are we going now?
[This blog post is based on my keynote at the HTML5 Developer Conference. The slides are available on SlideShare and as PPTX.] I enjoy evangelizing web performance because I enjoy things that are fast (and efficient). Apparently, I’m not the only one. Recent ad campaigns, especially for mobile, tout the virtues of being fast. Comcast uses […]
I <3 image bytes
Much of my work on web performance has focused on JavaScript and CSS, starting with the early rules Move Scripts to the Bottom and Put Stylesheets at the Top from back in 2007(!). To emphasize these best practices I used to say, “JS and CSS are the most important bytes in the page”. A few months ago […]
HTML5 VIDEO bytes on iOS
UPDATE: The problem is worse on iOS 7. Although the Apple developer guide still states that VIDEO PRELOAD is disabled on iOS, navigating to a page that uses the VIDEO tag results in large amounts of video data being preloaded. 81K  of video is preloaded for the 4M VIDEO test (compared to 61K in iOS 6). […]
HTML5 Video Preload
At last week’s HTML5 Developer Conference I attended Philippe Le Hegaret‘s session on “Video in the Open Web Platform”. Since the amount of video on the Web is growing (more details in a future post), I wondered if the VIDEO tag’s preload behavior could account for that. Maybe its default behavior is to preload aggressively. The […]
Page weight grows 24% year-over-year (not 44%)
SHORT: Earlier this week I reported that the average page weight for the Alexa Top 1000 websites increased 44% in 1 year. The actual stat is 24%. LONG: On Monday I delivered a keynote at the HTML5 Developer Conference entitled “How fast are we going now?” (slides available on SlideShare and as PPTX). I talked about several aspects of “fast” – […]
Mobile waterfalls
I often scan the mobile dev tools landscape and get flashbacks to 2005 when debugging and profiling in desktop browsers was nigh impossible. This was before Firebug when alert was the primary means of debugging. woe is mobile dev tools Most of the tools that exist for desktop web development are also needed on mobile. […]
HTTP Archive: jQuery
A recent thread on Github for html5-boilerplate discusses whether there’s a benefit from loading jQuery from Google Hosted Libraries, as opposed to serving it from your local server. They referenced the great article Caching and the Google AJAX Libraries by Steve Webster. Steve(W)’s article concludes by saying that loading jQuery from Google Hosted Libraries is probably NOT […]
Last week Google open sourced Zopfli – a new data compression library based on Deflate (and therefore a drop-in replacement for Deflate without requiring any changes to the browser). The post mentioned that the “output generated by Zopfli is typically 3–8% smaller compared to zlib” but Zopfli takes longer to compress files – “2 to 3 […]