Reloading post-onload resources
Two performance best practices are to add a far future expiration date and to delay loading resources (esp. scripts) until after the onload event. But it turns out that the combination of these best practices leads to a situation where it’s hard for users to refresh resources. More specifically, hitting Reload (or even shift+Reload) doesn’t […]
HTTP Archive: new stats
Over the last two months I’ve been coding on the HTTP Archive. I blogged previously about DB enhancements and adding document flush. Much of this work was done in order to add several new metrics. I just finished adding charts for those stats and wanted to explain each one. Note: In this discussion I want […]
HTTP Archive: adding flush
In my previous post, HTTP Archive: new schema & dumps, I described my work to make the database faster, easier to download, consume less disk space, and contain more stats. Once these updates were finished I was excited to start going through the code and make pages faster using the new schema changes. Although time consuming, it’s […]
HTTP Archive: new schema & dumps
I spent most of the last month, including my holiday break (cue violin) implementing major changes to the HTTP Archive. Most of the externally visible UI changes aren’t there yet – I’ll be blogging about them when they’re available. The changes I worked on were primarily on the backend to make the database faster to query, […]
a good blog post
Every morning I have a two hour breakfast where I catch up on the latest happenings in the world of web performance via email, Twitter, news, and blogs. My primary source for relevant blog posts is the Planet Performance RSS Feed – I recommend anyone working on web performance subscribe to this feed. Twitter is […]
Web Performance Community & Conversation
I first started talking about web performance in 2007. My first blog post was The Importance of Front-End Performance over on YDN in March 2007. The next month Tenni Theurer and I spoke at Web 2.0 Expo on High Performance Webpages. I hadn’t spoken at a conference since 1990 – 17 years earlier! This speaking appearance […]
clear current page UX
Yesterday in Perception of Speed I wrote about how clicking a link doesn’t immediately clear the screen. Instead, browsers wait “until the next page arrives” before clearing the screen. This improves the user experience because instead of being unoccupied (staring at a blank screen), users are occupied looking at the current page. But when exactly do browsers […]
The Perception of Speed
Have you ever noticed that when you click on a link the page doesn’t change right away? If I had written the code I would have cleared the page as soon as the link was clicked. But in a masterstroke of creating the perception of faster websites, browsers instead don’t erase the old page until […]
Comparing RUM & Synthetic Page Load Times
Yesterday I read Etsy’s October 2012 Site Performance Report. Etsy is one of only a handful of companies that publish their performance stats with explanations and future plans. It’s really valuable (and brave!), and gives other developers an opportunity to learn from an industry leader. In this article Etsy mentions that the page load time […]
Cache is King
I previously wrote that the keys to a fast web app are using Ajax, optimizing JavaScript, and better caching. Using Ajax reduces network traffic to just a few JSON requests. Optimizing JavaScript (downloading scripts asynchronously, grouping DOM modifications, yielding to the UI thread, etc.) allows requests to happen in parallel and makes rendering happen sooner. […]
WebPerfDays: Performance Tools
I just returned from Velocity Europe in London. It was stellar. And totally exhausting! But this post is about the other fantastic web performance event that took place after Velocity: WebPerfDays London. WebPerfDays is like a day-long web performance meetup event. Aaron Kulick organized the first one last June right after Velocity US. He had […]
Async Scripts – Cached?
I want to re-run the real user cache experiment that Tenni Theurer and I ran back in 2007. I’m designing the experiment now and will share that design in this blog when it’s well-baked. One change is I’d like to use an external script as the cached response that is tested. Another change is I […]
Preferred Caching
In Clearing Browser Data I mentioned Internet Explorer’s “Preserve Favorites website data” option. It first appeared in Internet Explorer 8’s Delete Browsing History dialog: This is a great idea. I advocated this to all browser makers at Velocity 2009 under the name “preferred caching”. My anecdotal experience is that even though I visit a website […]
Clearing Browser Data
In Keys to a Fast Web App I listed caching as a big performance win. I’m going to focus on caching for the next few months. The first step is a study I launched a few days ago called the Clear Browser Experiment. Before trying to measure the frequency and benefits of caching, I wanted […]
Keys to a Fast Web App
I recently tweeted that the keys to a faster web app are Ajax architecture, JavaScript, and caching. This statement is based on my experience – I don’t have hard data on the contribution each makes and the savings that could be had. But let me comment on each one. Ajax architecture – Web 1.0 with […]
High Performance everywhere
I started writing High Performance Web Sites in 2006. I got the idea for the title from High Performance MySQL by Jeremy Zawodny. I had lunch with Jeremy before starting my book and asked if it was okay to borrow the “High Performance” moniker, to which he immediately agreed. Jeremy also gave me advice on becoming an […]
Self-updating scripts
Updates: Philip Tellis deployed this as part of Log-Normal’s snippet and found two problems. One is fixed and the other is still being investigated: The previous code had a race condition when beacon.js called document.body.appendChild before BODY existed. This was fixed. Some users reported the update.php iframe was opened in a new tab in IE8. […]
Web First for Mobile
My mobile performance research focuses on mobile web. I don’t analyze native apps. Why? I believe in the openness of the Web. I don’t like being forced to use a proprietary technology stack. I don’t like signing legal documents. I don’t like having to be approved by someone. Although I don’t write commercial apps, I […]
Don’t docwrite scripts
In yesterday’s blog post, Making the HTTP Archive faster, one of the biggest speedups came from not using a script loader. It turns out that script loader was using document.write to load scripts dynamically. I wrote about the document.write technique in Loading Script Without Blocking back in April 2009, as well as in Even Faster […]