This page uses the YUI Combo Handler to load the YUI Rich Text Editor. The Combo Handler is a way that developers can choose a subset of YUI modules but still get them loaded in one HTTP request from Yahoo!'s CDN. This page contains the following request for an external script from Combo Handler:

<script src="

But this page generates JavaScript errors. That's because I rearranged the querystring parameters. Instead of putting editor-beta-min.js last, I put it first. All of the other scripts are prerequisites for editor-beta-min.js, so they need to be loaded before editor-beta-min.js. A future enhancement to Combo Handler would be to automatically detect prerequisites. If this feature was available, the above request would be much simpler:

<script src=""></script>

Don't get me wrong - it's awesome that Yahoo! has made this feature available. And it's awesome that YUI supports developers picking just the modules they need, thus reducing download size. I recommend that developers using YUI take advantage of Combo Handler. It's amazing to get a custom build file that Yahoo! will host for you on their CDN.

This sample page is part of my blog post YUI.s Combo Handler CDN Service.